scam mail(詐欺メール) またまた
To: は空白です。BCC にこちらのメールを入れて発信しているものと思われます。
Dear XX
I am sorry to encroach your privacy in this manner but due to the urgency of this transaction, I had to reach you by all means.
My late client from your country left behind the sum of US$15,500,000 (Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) in a bank here before he died of heart attack. I have been searching for any of his relative to come forward to claim the funds but all my effort proved abortive and if no one comes forward to claim the money, the bank will take over the fund, hence, I seek your partnership in receiving this fund and we share it 50% for you and 50% for me.
I contacted you because, you have the same last name as my late client and you fit in to stand as the next of kin.
The bank will release the money to you if i present you to the bank as the next of kin to my late client. Let us work together to claim the money
Reply me with your full name and direct telephone number for more details
Regards and remain blessed
Barrister Mrs. Fatima aziz
似たような FAX が届くこともよくあります。無視しましょう。
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